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jeudi 25 décembre 2014

Many celebrated around the world, particularly in Europe and the United States, shortly after Halloween
the end of October of every year, we frequently buy pumpkin kernels and masquerade performances dressed young and old scary clothes for "dimensions of evil spirits".
Halloween began, also known as "Halloween" in Britain, and the name was derived from the word "Hallowed" which means sacred in old English.
Halloween ritual believed to derive from an ancient ceremony for tribes repotting in Europe known as "they equaled", which means "end of summer", before beginning the Christians celebrate it.
Muslim scholars believe that Muslims celebrate Halloween, however, is celebrated by some Arab and Islamic States.
Chinese authorities banned this year wear Halloween inside subway cars for fear of provoking "panic problems", according to its State media.
Local authorities also banned a village Idyll in street clothes, the French clown for a month starting on 
Halloween after many incidents of violence involving teens dressed as clowns.

Halloween is celebrated by people of different cultures and religions, and the public to decorate houses and streets with pumpkin and horrific games and sarcastic.
And masquerading as everyone from senior and junior to you don't know evil spirits where legend says that all spirits return tonight from the Isthmus to the Earth and dominate the ripple until the following morning. And moving children from another house with bags and baskets to fill with chocolate and candy in the weather known as trick-or-treating, and doesn't give kids chocolate and caramel candy-Sham "riled him evil spirits."
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Publié par Tourisme Etranger

Je m’appelle IMAD BRAHIMI, et suis auteur du blog Depuis toujours et je pense comme chacun de vous, j’aime sortir, découvrir de nouveaux lieux, voyager… Mais le seul hic est qu'il n'est jamais facile de se rendre dans une ville que l'on ne connait pas, surtout lorsque l'on veut la visiter en deux ou trois jours! Conscient que tout le monde ne peut pas faire des voyages de plusieurs semaines, je me suis penché sur des petits voyages/week-ends de quelques jours dans des endroits proches de chez vous. Dans ce blog je vous aide à organiser vos virées grâce à des bons conseils et plans malins..

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